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Best of 2020
Response to a student asking about MSP coverage for Plan B
By u/Kinost
MSP covers Plan B - call the pharmacist and see? Our AMS insurance plan did cover it around 2016/2017 without a prescription, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Some pharmacies will stock generic Plan B, which will be cheaper than brand name Plan B. In all honesty though, I wouldn't fault you if you wanted brand name Plan B. It's vital that you take Plan B as soon as possible. If money is an issue, it shouldn't be. I will personally e-Transfer you $40 right now, or leave you $40 in a locker somewhere on campus and send you the combo tomorrow if you want to stay anonymous. Money shouldn't be a concern in this scenario. Please go right away to the pharmacy and buy Plan B.
Best comment
An open letter -Jayden, a pre-eng phys student
By u/jayden_engphys
As I’m sure you are all aware of by now I am Jayden, pre-eng phys student. Whilst I have been in the shadows, drinking away my sorrows, mourning the loss of the prestige of eng phys, It is time for me to return. To those ‘pre-med’, CS and Sauder snakes posting over the past few day trying to chase my clout, SMH, don’t make me laugh. Of course you got 99 averages when you only take max 4 classes a term. Cringe. I took 6 because my intelligence is unmatched, unfathomable for your puny minds to comprehend. 98 Sparky? I would be embarrassed to post such a thing publicly. Well Fortnite has just finished updating so come 1v1 me right now, but of course you won’t, you’re too scared. Not only because of my insanely high K/D, but because you know with my superior intellect I will out-strategize you at every turn. And to all those who mock me, I was top of my class in APSC 160, I’ve hacked Reddit and I know all your IP addresses, I know all your names. So don’t even try begging me when you need to be tutored in your silly, inferior less-than-eng phys classes (I’m pre-eng phys btw). Is my pain a joke to you? Is it? Now I’ll be sat next to some trumped up, would be IGEN student who thinks he’s the next Nikola Tesla come September, thanks to this new grading scheme. What was once a scholastic paradise, a place I sat on my 100th percentile throne, yes you heard me right. Cringe. I’m SMHing so hard right now, you thought it didn’t exist didn’t you? Well, those libtard math teachers lied to you snowflakes to make you feel better about your miserable selves. I used to run this university, but now it has been reduced to an academic bastille with no hope of proving my superiority. But I’ll know, and you’ll know, because I’m Jayden pro-fortnite player and soon to be eng phys student. I’ll see you all winter 2020.
Best text post
Can Chemistry change the world?
By u/ProfHudson
In my final lecture for first-year chemistry this year, I presented a segment called 'Can Chemistry Change the World?' I discussed some of the ways that chemistry has, and continues to, reshape society and the planet, and some of the grand challenges that now face humanity as a result. I also describe how scientists are making great strides in developing clean energy, sustainable plastic, battery storage, and more. The lecture was intended for an audience of first-year science students. My goals were to 1) showcase the exciting, impactful work that a career in chemistry can have, and 2) convince students that, despite the environmental doom-and-gloom we see every day in the media, that positive change is possible in the area of sustainability. Furthermore, UBC students are uniquely positioned to be catalysts for that change.
Most wholesome post/comment
Anyone know what happened
By u/WorthIndication7
Best image or video post
The coronavirus at a gathering of 249 people waiting for 1 more person to show up.
By u/NasifInan
Best meme