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This page contains links that aren't found elsewhere on this wiki. As the site is developed, these links may be reorganized or moved to other sections.


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ℹ️ Ammenities & Services

  • 📃 Student Support: A general index of all UBC support services for students, with support services for academic, financial, health and other issues.
  • ⁉️ UBC Lost & Found: Lost something? Check here.
  • 📰 Ubyssey: Campus newspaper
  • 📻 CITR: Campus radio

🏥 Physical & Mental Health

  • AMS Services: Resources for UBC students such as a food bank, Safewalk, tutoring, advocacy, and Peer Support services
  • VGH Access & Assessment Centre: For referrals and assessment. It is a good starting point for getting help with improving your mental health.
  • Centre for Accessibility: For obtaining academic concessions, and other mattters relating to accommodation any physical and mental hardships.
  • Student Health Service: Medical clinic with Mental Health & Sports Medicine

💻 Software & Free Stuff

🗣️ Clubs

💬 Other communities

In addition to our communities on Reddit and Lemmy, there are other communities that may be of interest: